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Single Relay Switch

Product Description
BattleSwitch is a relay switch that you toggle via hobby radio control gear. You can activate applications with voltage levels as high as 240V without having to know anything about microcontroller logic levels or transistors because the relay offers full electrical isolation from your receiver electronics.
BattleSwitch plugs into a standard hobby radio control receiver as easily as a servo does. You connect the load that you want to toggle using BattleSwitch's wear resistant screw terminals. Depending on the channel you use, you will then be able to control the relay by moving your radio's control stick up or down, left or right, or with a switch on your transmitter.
BattleSwitch has a status LED on the bottom. The LED will light up when the relay switch is on, and vice versa. It will also tell you if your radio link is too weak by flashing repeatedly.
The relay is a single pole double throw switch. It has typical lifetime is 100,000 switching cycles, depending on how heavy a load you are using.
Maximum current: 10Amp @ 28 VDC
Dimensions: 1.25" X 1.25" X 0.9"
Twelve inch servo pigtail